After 18 Years of Entrepreneurship, He Transformed from 'Competing' to 'Leading'!

During the "Two Sessions" period, at the foot of Sheshan, there is a scientific research pioneer who, for more than a decade, has been at the forefront, striving to consolidate the advantages of the new materials industry and promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation Corridor. He is Wu Haitao, Chairman and General Manager of Kejian Polymer Materials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Thanks to the call of the times and policy support, Kejian has achieved great success in the field it is involved in, realizing his dream of serving the country through industry.

Loyal to the Party, aspiring to serve the country with a "great ambition"



After graduation, Wu Haitao has been engaged in the chemical industry for a long time. His career started in a foreign-funded enterprise, where he rose from a technician to a factory director, and finally served as the deputy general manager. The container asphalt primer product he led the development of once held more than half of the global market share, creating outstanding performance. However, to realize his personal entrepreneurial dream and create more valuable products, he decided to resign from his high-paying position and founded Kejian in 2005. After 18 years of hard work, Kejian has become one of the professional manufacturers in the field of global butyl rubber sealants and tapes, with a value of more than 500 million yuan, and has been honored with national-level specialized and sophisticated "little giant", national-level high-tech enterprise, municipal-level specialized and sophisticated enterprise, and other honors. Wu Haitao has been awarded the leading talent in the field of science and technology in Songjiang District and the fifth top talent in Songjiang District, and has served as the executive committee member of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, the vice chairman of the Sheshan Town Chamber of Commerce, and the chairman of the Association for Science and Technology, among other social positions.


Party-building empowers,deeply plows the track for an "accelerated run"

In 2017, when the company established its Party branch, Wu Haitao submitted his application to join the Party and became a member in October 2019. He firmly believes that only by leading by example and integrating Party building into the development of the enterprise can the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the company be effectively enhanced.


In recent years, the Party branch of Kejian has implemented the "Outstanding Seedling Cultivation Project," strengthening the training of technical backbone. "Party members are like the 'engines' of red color, releasing powerful development momentum, continuously promoting the enterprise to the fast track of high-quality development, and I am the maintenance man of these 'engines'," said Wu Haitao. He often leads the backbone of Party members to the front line of the workshop's research and development to understand the actual difficulties in promoting the project, and to sort out the key issues with the R&D personnel, adjusting the research and development ideas. So far, the company has obtained more than 100 patents and 3 software copyrights, some products have solved the technical "bottleneck," and are in a leading position internationally among similar products.



In 2018, he took the lead in establishing a pioneer team of Party members, which has since won 24 new product innovation awards and applied for 60 patents. In September of this year, a shared laboratory platform for equipment and instruments was jointly built with the Advanced Low-Dimensional Material Center of Donghua University. Wu Haitao was appointed as a high-quality development mentor for "New Materials · New Manufacturing," and together with the university, he has promoted Party building cooperation projects such as the "Innovative Craftsmanship Lecture," "Talent Touchstone," and "Chain Workstation."


People-oriented, Committed to Society's "New Model of Excellence"



Enterprise development must adhere to the people-centered philosophy. Wu Haitao pays great attention to the growth of employees. Under his leadership, the Kejian Party Branch insists on highlighting the orientation of "practicality," taking "solving worries for employees" as its own responsibility, and focuses on coordinating and resolving difficulties in employees' accommodation, transportation, food safety, and other aspects. In addition, he insists on fulfilling social responsibilities, actively participating in the three-year action plan to help poor areas in Songjiang District win the battle against poverty, and the amount of assistance for poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and charity donations has exceeded 500,000 yuan; he has paired up with surrounding residential areas for joint construction, regularly carrying out volunteer service activities such as visits and condolences, and in nearly three years, has organized thousands of people to participate in community volunteer services.


This article is reprinted from the "Songjiang Organizational Work" public account.


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